A man pulled a knife and asked; "Would you die for your friends and family?" I laughed as i pulled my gun from my pocket and said, "No, but I'd kill for them."
Storebror har fyllt år! Och som vi alla har vetat om så blir han bara yngre och yngre...mentalt alltså. Men han är iallafall världens sötaste pussgurka och förtjänar enbart det bästa! Grattis än en gång, honey!


I'll always be by your side, even when you're down and out.
I'll iron your clothes, I'll shine your shoes.
I'll make your bed and cook your food.
I'll never cheat, I'll be the best girl you'll ever meet.
And for a diamond(plastic) ring I'll do these kinds of things.
I'll scrub your floor, never be a bore.
I'll tuck you in, I do not snore.
I'd wear your black eyes, bake you apple pies.
I don't ask why.
I'll always be by your side, even when you're down and out.
And its nearly midnight, and all I want with my life is to be a housewife.
'Cause it's nearly midnight and all I want with my life is to be by your side.
I'll always be by your side, even when you're down and out.
And its nearly midnight, and all I want with my life is to be a housewife.
'Cause it's nearly midnight and all I want with my life is to be by your side.
Helt enkelt genialiskt!
Mustasch-farts, fart-smeller and gas-lovers.
Counting all the assholes in the room, well I'm definitely not alone.
Fest i Hjoggböle med Linn kan vara händelserikt, och ack så trevligt.

Love you!
Nytt år, nya andetag.
Och som ett litet avslut på året 2013 summerar jag det, i vanlig ordning, med ett gäng foton på diverse ögonblick.